Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The Third Peanut

Yesterday i went with Dani to the doctor because it was "THE DAY". This was the appointment where you get to hear the heartbeat and see the little peanut growing in her tummy. It is so amazing to watch the baby moving and stretching...and to see just one. :)

It is also comforting to see a normal, healthy picture and to hear a fast-beating, healthy heartbeat. The doctor said everything is going smooth and looks normal. YEAH!!!

The ultrasound said that Dani is 10 weeks, 4 days pregnant. So, that puts the due date right around December 12, which was what they told us previously. Good news for us because we'll be moving again at the end of October/beginning of November.

i've also started running again. i took about three years off of exercising this way because my back was in bad shape but is finally to the point where i'm not in pain much at all now. So, the past two months i've been running. i have set a goal to try to run a half-marathon in a year. So, i'm working up to 13.1 miles. Currently, i run between 3 and 4 miles at a time. i'm going to start a regular blog here to keep me accountable and anyone who's interested up-to-date on my progress.

Last night, i only ran 2.5 miles and walked just over 2 miles. i took the weekend off due to travel and tiredness from last week. Hopefully, i'll get back up to 3.5 miles tonight. i'm so thankful for the ability to run again. i thank Jesus everytime i get on the treadmill because i don't have the pain that i've felt the past 3 years.

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