Monday, June 11, 2007

Church Sign of the Week

i've been driving around noticing some of the church signs around town. i'm a little disturbed by some of the sayings they put on them. i know that people are trying to be insightful, funny, touching, and helpful. The problem is that i feel like they are misleading and delivering a message that isn't biblical. Here's one example:

The message this gives off is that we can do all of these things we can do on our own, in our own abilities, and then after we have done all we can, leave the rest to God. After reading the list, i can't think of what God is left to do. i mean, we covered how to live, care, love, and speak.

The message of the Gospel is that we can't do anything apart from Christ, but all the glory goes to Him because He will live through us, care through us, love through us, and speak through us when we surrender to Him. We will NOT experience the abundant life of Christ if we try to do it all on our own and "leave the rest to God."

Don't get me wrong, i've never been to this church so i'm not trying to make a comment on them as a congregation or what they teach every week or even whether or not someone should go there. i am an observer that drove by their sign one day, that's it. My concern is the unintended messages churches are sending by the things they put on their signs.

This is not the only church doing this. There are even books printed with nothing but church sign messages in them, most of which are intended to be funny. i have a few more pictures that i've taken recently that i'll post later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well if they are not rpeaching hate, then it's okay with me!

You can make your own funny church sign messages @ (switch letters around in the pictures).