Wednesday, August 29, 2007

More Narcissism

A report was released several months ago detailing the rise of narcissism among college students. There has been several articles since that have either concurred (always concur) or refuted these findings.

i just found another article that is very brief and includes a powerful quote from a college student. You can read the whole article here. If you don't have time to check the whole article, read the quote from the student below. i'd love to hear your thoughts...

"DUH! And it's only gonna get worse. People have to be self-centered in this world. Appearance is everything and taking care of yourself should always be your first priority. You are judged everyday by the way you look. No one cares to get to know anyone now. It's pointless to get to know people.

Whose fault is it that we are narcissists? Our parents, for telling us that we are the best and the most beautiful things on the planet. Our teachers for telling us that we could do whatever we wanted if we applied ourselves. Anyone who has ever helped boost our ego is to blame.

Oh well, what can we do about it now? I along with many others will continue to be self-centered. I will continue to judge people by appearance just like you will judge me."

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