Monday, September 15, 2008

Political "Parties"

I think someone should change the phrase "Political Party." Neither group seems to be "partying" in any kind of fun way. I'm rather cynical and apathetic when it comes to the political system. I am a voter, but I don't really think most people are in politics now that truly want what's best for the country. I am open to the possible reality that I am wrong, but this is what I feel after watching the process closely over the past 10 years (the length in which I've been a voter).

The other day, I started realizing that both parties spend the majority of their time explaining their enemy, rather than honestly discussing why they are the best person for the position.

If I were to just listen to both parties talking about their "enemy," this is what I would conclude:

The Republicans are at war with the media. The media never portrays them in the right light and always presents the news with a slant towards the Democrats or liberalism.

The Democrats are constantly being lied about by this underground, incredibly huge Republican machine. Somehow, this faceless group of Republicans is taking everything that is said and spinning it into some sort of lie that makes the Democrat a demon. This isn't directed directly at a person, but rather at a scheming group, i.e. the "machine."

Here's how I think a great political race would look like:

Instead of each candidate/party spending MILLIONS on advertising, campaigning, and politicizing, each candidate would take all of the money donated for their cause and begin giving it to areas where they feel it is best needed. Instead of talking about about how the other candidate doesn't care about the homeless/poor, they would demonstrate how much they are concerned with this problem by financially contributing to organizations that are actually dealing with this problem right now.

Instead of talking about how they would fix education, they would begin working with the people they feel are making strides towards a better education in America and actively working on them before they are elected.

Instead of merely discussing how the other candidate doesn't know how to handle problems overseas, they would contribute to world relief organizations and volunteer in refugee camps and serving through grass roots efforts to actually affect change in the world.

I would think, that if a candidate were to actually live out these things, they wouldn't have to spend a dime on advertising as the media would cover every moment because he/she would actually be doing something that is news worthy, instead of just attempting to destroy others' character.

Just some thoughts from a cynical, apathetic, twenty-something dude.

1 comment:

slothsrcool said...

I agree with your cynicism, especially the part about why politiicians are in the business they are in. If they were all serving the republic according to the example and spirit of the founding fathers and earliest politicians they would be willing to enact term limits and work for free, or at least for expenses rather than extravagant salaries.