Monday, March 17, 2008

Big Brother Theologians

This was a pretty interesting clip from Big Brother 9. What do you think?

I like this part: "The Bible's a good thing to know. There's a lot of references made about it: David and Goliath..." "Easta."


slothsrcool said...

wow! First, why were they reading the Bible?

Second, they were actually curious. Do you know how much I would love to teach the Bible to poeple who actually wanted to know what it was saying? Man, that would be cool.

What are your thoughts, what were you getting at?

LIFe - Matt said...

I just thought it was interesting also. I was struck by the seemingly sincere interest in knowing what it said and in their fascination with what they found as well.

I'm also not sure I have ever seen or been in a room of guys (outside of church groups) who would take the initiative to read the Bible (especially a pink one) and engage in honest discussion about it.

Oh, and they continued doing this on the episode following this one. I don't know, there was something really cool about their "Bible study" time, that's all.